![Dr Raja Reddy](https://painschoolinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Dr-Raja-Reddy.jpeg)
Dr Reddy trained as a specialist registrar in anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine from the London south east thames school of anaesthesia and passed the The Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthesia, FRCA.
He further completed the advanced pain medicine fellowship training from Guys & St. Thomas’ and King’s College Hospitals and was awarded Fellowship of The Faculty of Pain Medicine of The Royal College of Anaesthetists, FFPMRCA. He passed The European Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia, EDRA conducted by the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia, ESRA in Bordeaux, France. He later passed his Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice, FIPP conducted by the World Institute of Pain, WIP in Budapest, Hungary and Certified Interventional Pain Sonologist, CIPS conducted by the World Institute of Pain in Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Dr Reddy’s special interest is ultrasound guided interventional pain & musculoskeletal procedures.
Dr Reddy is faculty and examiner for the Certified interventional Pain Sonologist CIPS examinations conducted by the World Institute of Pain in Miami & Budapest. He is the clinical director for chronic pain management services and educational director for pain medicine fellowship programme at the Medway Maritime Hospital in Kent, UK.
He is the course director for the Annual World Academy of Pain Medicine Ultrasound conference (WAPMU) London and UK chapter chairman of The World Academy of Pain Medicine Ultrasonography. Dr Reddy is the President Elect of The World Academy of Pain Medicine Ultrasonography, WAPMU.
As invited faculty he helps conduct workshops for World Institute of Pain (WIP), World Academy of Pain Medicine Ultrasonography (WAPMU), European Society of Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Medicine (ESRA, Innsbruck), London Society of Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Medicine (LSORA, London), Society for Ultrasound in Anaesthesia & Pain Medicine (SUA, London) and Pain School International (PSI, Budapest).