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Olav Rohof


Dr Rohof is Founder of Pain Clinic Oss St. Anna Hospital 1981-1989, Co-Founder of Pain Clinic Köln and Rodenkirchen , Germany , and Co-Founder of Pain Clinics Zofingen and Zürich, Switzerland.
New techniques:
-PRF suprascapular block and other peripheral nerves Pain Practice 2002 Vol 2 nr 3
-(P)RF treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease Pain Practice 2012
-Sacral PRF application technique for FM, PHN, central sensitization
Anesthesia and Pain Med 2014
• Tutor at the foundation Pain Clinic CWZ hospital Nijmegen, the Netherlands 2007-2010
• 1989- 2015: Pain Clinic Orbis Medical Center Sittard Geleen, The Netherlands
• 2015-2016: consultant, doing substitutions Zeist Utrecht Amsterdam Terneuzen
• 2016- now: DC Klinieken Pai , Almere The Netherlands
• >2.500 interventions/year, totally >70.000
Special Interests:
RF and PRF application in chronic pain, facial pain (trigeminal neuralgia, cluster headache), spinal
pain (disc, Failed back surgery syndrome, spinal stenosis), CRPS, joint pain, headache, post herpetic
neuralgia, central sensitization, application of sacral PRF and PRF epidurally.